Tuesday, November 30, 2010
targeted clotting
For sustainable use of either molecules or ideas, explicit awareness of the multi-layer structure of our communities as well as the scope of a given communication is crucial.
Like chemical concentration differences from point to point in our bodies, gradients in social access to information are necessary. Intelligent packaging of communications is also important, so that the damage due to occasional spills is minimal. For example confusing countries & corporations with individuals is just as irresponsible, whether you do it as a reporter or as a supreme court justice.
Thus we're all responsible for what we say, what we repeat, and what we listen to. Let's set some better examples downstream...
Monday, November 29, 2010
pros & cons
Moving toward the negative of anything embedded in a higher-dimensional space reduces the orthogonality (and hence dimensionality) of your path with respect to the postive of that same thing.
X and anti-X are in cahoots, even when they don't act like it.
Monday, November 22, 2010
baseball & innovation
That said, experts in the game are often the last to see opportunities to adapt to new information and developments.
Can you think of any examples of this?
Monday, November 15, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
layered self-concepts
One difference, of course, is that we each have unique organism, family & culture self-concepts that we can talk about to help us buffer correlations which look inward and outward from the boundaries of our self, our family & our culture.
What fraction of your time are you able to spend looking inward & outward from each?
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Bayesian inference
It might help folks put political broadcast and pedagogical strategies to better use as well. What kind of entries would you put into a table which outlines important assumptions that folks make everyday, as well as where those assumptions do and don't apply?
A sample table of this sort follows, to perhaps inspire your ideas:
Concept | Assumption | Application Area |
focus bandwidth on who's boss | leader choice solves problems | social hierarchy is a key for only select vertebrates |
dollars spent is value lost | financial value is conserved | the household scale but not the national scale |
treat unbelievers as inhuman | idea-pools always serve humans | may help only if unbelievers are few & can't hear |
vote makes right | consensus is well-informed | only w/both incentives & time to update awareness |
you're measured by your finances | all means to money are of value | this works in worlds w/o ways to prey on communities |

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
e-culture possibilities
This is important because there is a key role (if our planet is to sustain a large sentient population) for parallel competition between individuals, between gene pools, and between idea pools.
For example, to families an archival wiki cloud-database might be a place for:
- family stories,
- genealogy information,
- recipes,
- operating protocols,
- links e.g. to other resources of interest to family members,
- and what else?
Friday, October 15, 2010
position vs frequency
This logic, as simple and impeccable in intent as it was, was alas dead wrong because the driver's response-time fit beautifully with the resonant-frequency of the weave. Like someone kicking one's legs at exactly the right time to pump up the motion of a playground swing, the driver's logic loop repeatedly pumped energy into the weave, which got wilder and wilder until all of a sudden the truck and trailer spun out into a parked position across five lanes of traffic.
Likewise there's a danger when political communities run into problems whose natural response time is comparable to the election cycle. Like the truck driver who was focused only on position on the road and oblivious to the response time of the system, the community could easily pump energy into an instability by reacting naturally from one election to the next.
Can you think of places where this might be relevant today?
Thursday, October 14, 2010
the joy of ideas
Non-byline contributions motivated by love for elements of the idea-world could be crucial, if our large human population is to move toward sustainability on this planet.
What ways do you see for beefing up such contributions?
Passion aside, others for good reason might struggle to do only things that bring in reward on a linear (e.g. economic) scale. They may have little or no time for non-byline contribution.
For these folks, how might such value-scales also serve to catalyze (i.e. to help encourage with only loan rather than expenditure of resources) time spent on: (1a) fitness, (1b) friends, (2a) family, (2b) home/work community, (3a) culture and (3b) profession?
Thursday, October 7, 2010
layer multiplicity
- for recognizing the parallel importance of culture, family, & health,
- for defining (i) poverty without reference to dollars, & (ii) community health across species,
- for respecting the contribution to earth's complexity of every individual, microbe, & raindrop on the planet.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
self-concept layering
Put another way, in what settings (delicate though they may be) is it NOT better to assume that everyone will be looking out for their own individual self-interest first?
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
politics & education
Suppose that citizens were routinely polled about the mix of their time spent on the 6 correlation-layers that look in/out from skin, family & culture.
If from these community inputs politicians were graded on what they do to increase niche-network layer-multiplicity and the size of the middle class (i.e. individuals able to direct their time toward things like culture and profession), this would create a numerical incentive for them to help educate kids as well as to minimize social-network disruptions. It might also provide a more robust and quantitative definition of poverty, reigning in deniers and at the same time explicitly valuing opportunity to interact with friends and family independent of participation in the monetary economy.
Without this, of course, politicians may do better for themselves and their family by figuring how to make the rich (including themselves) richer as the middle class shrinks. If we don't lessen the temptation, isn't this like putting the goldfish bowl in reach of the cat?
What do you think?
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
paradigm shifts
- ...living with a ton of air sitting on you,
- ...in spacetime so curvy it's tough to jump higher than a meter,
- ...among objects whose spin-rate must increase in steps,
- ...which attract/repel enough to levitate from length-contraction,
- ...while you move timeward at the speed of light
- ...relying on a hierarchy of hedges against uncertainty?
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
information upgrade
Even in its earliest communications-theory apps, information was an element of structure (like a string of characters delivered to the far end of a communications line) that was correlated with another element of structure (like the string of characters typed in to be sent at the near end of a communications line). This correlation value is delocalized i.e. dependent on the existence of structures at both ends of the comparison. Thus the information value of a map of the sky can be taken away by either destroying the map, or by randomizing the positions of stars in the heavens.
All quantitative applications of the information concept, like the "mutual information" described above, may be seen as special cases of a correlation measure known as KL-divergence. This is a kind of net surprisal, whose units are proportional to the logarithm of a multiplicity as for example in: #choices = 2#bits.
A particular advantage of this definition (with roots in Bayesian inference) is that it works regardless of whether or not the elements of structure take the form of replicable code strings. In the language of the introductory note to Shannon and Weaver's 1948 book, this broadened definition can deal with more complex questions of correlation, meaning, truthfulness, and fidelity than the "Level A" problems associated with the communication of replicable codes.
Thus for example it applies to the evolution of complexity (like the accretion of planets in the solar nebula) before elements of correlation-storage associated with it "go digital" e.g. in the form of nucleic acid or ASCII strings. Moreover this definition works for quantum systems e.g. qubits, and "it has second law teeth". As a result for example acquired knowledge in general, and even a blank storage device on which to write, extracts a minimum price in thermodynamic availability.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
digital sand tracks
Here "bones in the digital sand" might be entries which start out with your by-line, while "tracks in the digital sand" might be edits to something with a separate digital life even if these too are traceable to you through document histories, etc. Although literature publications are being converted from analog to digital, the universe of abiding fossils in the digital sand may downstream be found in many other places as well (at least until net neutrality disappears).
In a larger context, one might consider six types of legacy (analog or digital) for an individual metazoan. These include actual bones & footprints in the sense of (i) its physical self & (ii) objects that it shaped, bones & footprints in the gene-pool sand which correspond to (iii) its offspring & (iv) its impact on the success of other families in its community, and bones & footprints in the idea-pool sand which correspond to (v) its by-line contributions to culture & (vi) its spiritual and intellectual impact on those around.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
nnlm tweet
Sunday, June 27, 2010
balance vs. symmetry
By compressing three independent "ways to wiggle" (degrees of freedom) down to a smaller number, they provide a structure for occupancy by organisms evolved in a neolithic setting that's degenerate in the same way that electron states around an atom might acquire energy degeneracy in the absence of a magnetic field.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
attention-slice status-updates
This project examines the multiplicity of correlation-layers looking inward and outward with respect to three physical boundary types of special interest to (at least some) metazoans on earth, namely: skin, family and culture. In particular, average niche-network layer-multiplicity (NNLM) characterizes the breadth of niche-responsibility carried by individual organisms, while NNLM center-of-mass Mcm characterizes the correlation breadth of the community in which they live.
The foregoing can help define robust ad-hoc measures of community health with deep roots in the mathematical, physical, and biological sciences. Objectively monitoring the state of communities via these measures is a future challenge, to which input from individuals in those communities will likely be important. Individual attention-slice status-updates, using social media now accessible via mobile-communications across the globe, can help bring these multi-scale inputs on-line today.
Monday, May 10, 2010
physical economics
For instance, in this context the objective physical-assets (as distinct from credit-assets) that humans offer to the layered niche-network that they comprise are their knowledge and their ability to do work.
Similar KL-divergence based yardsticks for the value of other physical assets (relative to ambient or expected) may be developed and applied:
- to energy assets (like gasoline & food) in context of their available work (with or without considering their surprisal on other levels),
- to mineral assets in terms of their utility and abundance,
- to information assets (including species diversity) in terms of their accessibility as well as the time and effort needed to acquire them,
- and what else?
Translating the physical assets mentioned in paragraphs 2 and 3 above into (i) other physical assets, and (ii) into liquid and/or long-shelf-life credit assets, may be positive-sum (correlation enhancing) objectives. Finding ways to latch onto credit generated others with minimal constructive effort on your own part may be zero-sum or negative-sum instead.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
hoop-hopping hoots
But of course, us primates didn't evolve with an internet that could mindlessly broadcast hoots willy nilly to play with the feelings of millions. Is this a potential concern?
Would a program of hoot-stamps help to let consumers know which, if any, hoops hoots have hopped through before they were broadcast? This might for instance help folks filter toots and tweets too according to their own niche, rather than being beset with broadcasts informed to their listener's species alone.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Robert Wright in his book Non-Zero discusses the relationship between "non-zero-sumness" and evolving organic & social correlations. Non-zero-sumness arises whenever mutual information (IAB) is used to measure the correlation between two systems A and B. This is because uncertainty about the whole (SAB) becomes less than the sum of uncertainties about individual parts (namely SA+SB), since IAB = SA+SB-SAB ≥ 0.
The practical bureaucratic need for categorization notwithstanding, putting others in their place via "in the box" cartoonification may remove the sense of collaborative perspective (e.g. over time) from the interaction between organisms. This could well threaten non-zero-sumness, negatively impact niche-network layer-multiplicity (NNLM), and eventually take its toll on life's future standing crop.
These insights also relate to the logos of evolution's direction. The natural and physical sciences on many levels confirm that complexity in the form of layered subsystem-correlations depends on a source of available work (or more generally on KL-divergence). Hence increasing complexity is not the inevitable destiny of any physical system. It's instead a delicate opportunity that might be enjoyed if and only if we: (a) work at it, and (b) are gifted with continued blessings from the world around.
Friday, April 2, 2010
cost/benefit change
There is multiplicative (i.e. runaway dI/dt ∝ I) potential here, particularly when such non-local appeals seize on this opportunity to warn you vociferously about other non-local appeals, as when the lawless rail against evil, bigots against totalitarians, etc.
Constructive local action (e.g. washing dishes, or developing locally-relevant resources not accessible to the open web) might be one way to minimize the number of your clock cycles wasted on long-distance cartoonification.
What are some other tools that might help us mitigate this corollary effect of rapid information flow?
food and fuel
Key elements to counter the impact of such reductions in the short term (likely to take place on a myriad of time scales), as well as the eventual global collapse likely in the long run, include:
- targeted support of subsystem correlations on multiple scales of space, time, and organization,
- constructive development of information resources in concert with collaborative action,
- and what else?
modernized maxim
What's new here is that:
- we've added sustainably, since in the short run free lunches can be obtained from time to time but not in a steady-state fashion,
- thermodynamic availability (e.g. in bits) and net surprisal (KL-divergence) are used to restate the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics in way which applies nicely to complex non-equilibrium systems,
- and what else?
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
starsmoke droplets
This tasty tweet refers to recent laboratory study of micron-sized starsmoke spheres whose carbon atoms were cooked up in red giant stars across the early galaxy, condensed in those cool star atmospheres, and delivered to earth by primitive meteorites to be extracted by cosmochemists at U. Chicago and studied in labs of the midwest.
Many of your carbon atoms also arrived here in spaceships like this. Recent developments suggest a role for supercooled liquid carbon droplets in their process of formation.