Saturday, August 14, 2010

digital sand tracks

What fraction of us are still analog jellyfish of the idea world, and unlikely to leave fossilized tracks let alone bones in the digital sand?

Here "bones in the digital sand" might be entries which start out with your by-line, while "tracks in the digital sand" might be edits to something with a separate digital life even if these too are traceable to you through document histories, etc. Although literature publications are being converted from analog to digital, the universe of abiding fossils in the digital sand may downstream be found in many other places as well (at least until net neutrality disappears).

In a larger context, one might consider six types of legacy (analog or digital) for an individual metazoan. These include actual bones & footprints in the sense of (i) its physical self & (ii) objects that it shaped, bones & footprints in the gene-pool sand which correspond to (iii) its offspring & (iv) its impact on the success of other families in its community, and bones & footprints in the idea-pool sand which correspond to (v) its by-line contributions to culture & (vi) its spiritual and intellectual impact on those around.

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