Friday, March 10, 2017

many words one idea

Just as there are many "units" for measuring ordered and/or disordered energy, like joules, calories, kilowatt hours, cubic feet of natural gas, and gallons of gasoline, so in the world of multilayer complex systems there are many names for correlations that look inward and outward from a boundary, as well as for the three broken-symmetry boundaries of most direct interest to metazoans.

In the latter case, for example with helpful suggestions from C. Robert Cloninger, consider the "trichotomy" of boundaries associated with metazoan life on earth i.e. in which organisms first learned to give special treatment first to self, then to family, then to culture:

Echoes of the 3 key "broken-symmetry" boundaries.
skin family culture
friends community profession
executive legislative judicial
self-directed cooperative transcendent
blaming ↔ responsible asocial ↔ empathic materialistic ↔ idealistic
insecure ↔ resourceful hostile ↔ kind conventional ↔ imaginative

Where else might one find this trichotomy being put to use?

For the in/out-ward looking subsystem-correlation direction, which recognizes a fundamental difference between tasks of interior nurturing and exterior taming, consider instead the dichotomy:

Echoes of the 2 key "boundary-related" directions.
inward-looking correlations outward-looking correlations
yin yang
self friends
family community
culture profession
right left
nurture explore
religion science
defense offense

Different words, different boundaries, but the same underlying distinction. Perhaps the world is not as simple or as complex as we think, given that in each case the challenge is not "which column" but instead "how to strike a balance".

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