Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Bad ideas or people?

When you are pulling a trailer with your car and it starts to veer to left then right then left, you may think the problem is your vehicle's direction (which you keep correcting) rather than the frequency of your response (which is pumping energy into a resonant oscillation).

I've seen vehicle drivers who made this mistake spin out sideways across 5 lanes of interstate highway traffic.

Likewise modern electronic media's ability to spread ideas across the world willy-nilly may confuse us into thinking that a problem is being caused by people, when in fact it's being caused by a poor choice of ideas (unwittingly reinforced by our echoing of them in response).

Multi-celled plants and animals long ago learned to express their molecular codes in ways that are informed to multiple levels of organization. This is key, for example, to the magic of embryonic development.

If communities are going to get a grip on the problem of runaway ideas, they'll have to do the same with their idea codes.

The good news: Scientific study of complex systems is pointing the way to strategies for dealing with this problem, about which more in days ahead...

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