Sunday, September 14, 2014

maladaptive primitives

Our six-layer social systems have self-assembled to serve organisms with five-layer neolithic traits. This is not a bad thing, but it does mean that as organisms we often mis-characterize mal-adaptive behaviors (e.g. hooked to new technologies like guns, drugs, and electronic communications). Humor is one important (and neolithic!) way to get folks' attention in this context, although so far we have been missing many important opportunities.

What are some examples of such mal-adaptive neolithic behaviors? A list might include:

  • the trivially-expected (and sadly ignorant) pressure to deconstruct the 6-layer structure of our social-systems e.g. by demagogues of communism, fascism, and religious-fundamentalism,
  • focus on the role of organisms rather than the role of processes and concepts, including:
    • a pre-occupation with self,
    • radio, film, TV and internet mediated xenophobia,
  • the idea that life is about objectification (e.g. with looks, chemicals, gadgets, money etc.) rather than the buffering of long-term relationships with self, friends, family, community, kindred-spirits & professional-colleagues.
  • the idea that our modular neurobiology (e.g. in the interest of speed it is natural to act without thinking) serves the greatest good when everyone is carrying a gun,serves the greatest good when everyone is carrying a gun,
and what else?

How might be we better put them into an informed context for everyone?